Safe, easy and quick to apply
Single version (for hole and gap) adaptable to every bone flap.
Light and radiolucent
Made in Polymeric material (Peek Optimas®) and therefore radio-lucent (no imaging artifact)
Made in Italy cranial fixation device for better surgery performance
Single version (for hole and gap) adaptable to every bone flap.
Made in Polymeric material (Peek Optimas®) and therefore radio-lucent (no imaging artifact)
8 Features and Benefits
Position and Secure in 4 steps
Place the GAP configuration along the craniotomy cut and the HOLE configuration in the burr hole
After inserting all the devices, place the cranial flap in the cranoitomy site
Push downward the plate in order to lock the device
Remove the exceeding part or the tensor with the NTCranial Cutter